Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Scott Brown Contributers

Here's a list from a public disclosure report of people who donated to Scott Brown.


I think the first official names on the list should be the C.E.O.s listed there and they're companies...


  1. sad. what a pathetic sore loser you are. big baby. aw diddums. go to the sandpit and do your tantrum there. buck up you big baby. you are a disgraceful wimp. put on a dunce cap and sulk in a corner. go on! get!!

  2. This kind of stunt comes from a person who supported hollywood blacklisting or apartheid in South Africa.

    Michael Moore's comment on opposing progressivism within the Democrats:


    "Work with us or will destroy you and find willing, cynical Republicans who want votes"

  3. 1. It's spelt "their"

    2. Whats the matter? Election didnt go the way YOU wanted? THE PEOPLE SPOKE and all you want to do is "boycott because they didnt vote the way you wanted"

    It isnt Kennedy's seat as he is dead.
    He never owned it
    It never "belonged to him"

    It belongs to the PEOPLE and they decide, it's called freedom and democracy...words lefty libtards like you will never understand.
